Wednesday 23 March 2016

7àmoi: glamour and unique creations

Excellent quality shoes, exclusively made in Italy, thanks to the know how of Italian master shoe-makers and to the precious materials used as inlaid Moroccan leather, vintage French lace (dentelles) of Bretagne, handmade fabrics from Tibet, Indian handmade trimmings.
The 7àmoi shoes are the results of a search around the world that makes them unique creations, for living femininity with passion.

The shoe designer Michela Contini explains the source of her inspiration and her idea of femininity (
“Travelling. I have an innate and impudent curiosity... digging up hidden treasures, invisible to mass tourism. Small but great handed down riches as silk weaving, skin inlays, handmade coloring, precious laces, cutting of crystals. 
I absorbed all those experiences.
My shoes are imaginated, thought, reconsidered and then created.

My shoes are emotional. They are dedicated to a woman, not just romantic, not just aggressive, not just charming, but all these together. 

Shoes for creatures, wiggly waddling on their heels, who appear delicate, but on the contrary are strong protagonists of a lifetime in constant balance.. Michela Contini.”

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